Goal directed care planning toolkit kate pascale
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Goal Directed Care Planning Toolkit
This toolkit was developed in partnership with members of the EMR Alliance. The project brought together 56 staff from 39 local agencies, each of which shared their expertise, experience and time openly and generously. The toolkit contains information from a range of best practice resources and builds on a wealth of research and person-centred tools. The toolkit contains information from a range of best practice resources and builds on a wealth of research and person centred tools . The toolkit recognises that effective practice change is only successful when support across all levels of the organisation is provided to enable them to work in this way. It provides clear guidelines about how we can all work together in order to achieve great results.
To access the full toolkit click on the image or below are individual sections from the toolkit including tools, templates, audits, FAQ's and top tips.
Click on image to access the 'Goal Directed Care Planning Toolkit'
Individual tools and templates
Below are the individual tools and templates used within the toolkit. Click on the image to access the appropriate document