Request Email for Gratuity Payment – Sample Email Requesting Gratuity Payment

Request Email for Gratuity Payment – <a href=Sample Email Requesting Gratuity Payment" width="1200" height="630" />

I would like to bring to your kind consideration that my name is _________ (name), and I have been working in the _________ (department) of your reputed company for the last __________ (mention duration).

I beg to inform you that I am writing this email to request the release of the gratuity payment in my name, as I am eligible for the payment. Respected, I have been working for the last __________ (mention duration).

As per the requirements, I am hereby attaching ___________ (form/ID/any other). I would be obliged for your kind attention.

________ (Your name),
________ (Employee ID)


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